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Hello and welcome to AmigaSoc UK's web site. This version has been specially produced for the Amiga Format Christmas CD. As well as the usual collection of features and reviews we've got 2 new sections to the site to introduce you to this month and we need your help with both of them.
The first is our Helpdesk. This is where we put the combined knowledge of AmigaSoc's members at your disposal. Consisting of professionals and enthusiasts alike no problem is too big or too small for us.
You may find the helpdesk pages looking a bit sparse at the moment.
In the future we'll be offering an archive of previous problems and their solutions and if the problem is detailed enough we'll produce a "How To". How To's are AmigaSoc's handy guides to various aspects of using the Amiga. If there's anything you think we should cover then fill in either the helpdesk or feedback forms and let us know.
The second section which you may also find looking a bit sparse is the User Groups section. We believe that User Groups provide a great way to find out more information about your machine and more importantly meet like minded Amiga Users. AmigaSoc is hoping to produce a database of all UK based Amiga User Groups which we'll keep on our web site for easy reference.
We also want to keep you the users, through these usergroups updated on developments in the Amiga world. So if your user group is not registered with AmigaSoc fill in the form now....
For those of you that are interested, this page was put together using
DrawStudio 1.1.1, Photogenics 1.2a, Imagine 4.0, Real 3D 1.4, ImageStudio
V2.3.0 (registered), Personal Paint 6.4, Colour Coordinator V1.0, and
Bounder V1.0.
All material, both graphical and textual, on this site is copyright
AmigaSoc UK and cannot not be used elsewhere without our consent. The
opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of IMM Studios.